Another hectic weekend indeed. Just when we thought we can wake up late this weekend, we just have to put that on hold, at least not on Saturday.
The way the day started was very funny. In the letter from my princess's school stated the venue of the event will be at Sekolah Alam Shah and did not indicate where is the school. And I thought it was the school located in Putra Jaya.
The event was supposed to start at 8am and we arrived right in front of the school 5 minutes before 8am. The school was pretty quiet, like nothing is happening in the school. We asked the guard and he has no clue what event we are talking about. My princess not having any contact numbers of the teachers or her friends was certainly no helping. I then decided to call the school and alhamdulilah somebody answered. But the person was not sure where exactly the event was at so she gave me the ustazah's hubby's phone number(that's what she declared to school...shish!). Called the hubby and finally got hold of the ustazah's number. Then only I got to know.....The school is actually Sekolah Alam Shah 2 in PETALING JAYA NOT PUTRA JAYA!!! Haiyooo, jauh tu. Sempat ke sampai before the contest start.
If there is anytime I am glad people are not punctual, this will be the time. We arrived around 9.15am and the event hasn't even started. As usual, waiting for the VIP to arrive to launch the event....Lama giler tu...We even get to have breakfast at the school's canteen.
The event went very well. Though my princess did not win anything, I am so happy and proud of her. Was holding my tears when she was doing her solo. Never thought she has so much of self confidence...My hero and my baby were also amazed with their sister's performance. Duduk pun first class, right in front of the stage.
We allowed the cuties to go back to school via the school bus. They wanted to do that so badly so, don't want to dissapoint. We then picked them up at school.
Lookout for the next entry, my princess doing her solo!
4 normalies:
mmg selalu gitu kan..liza..takan tepatnya stat..nasib kan..
bagusle akak..pandai nyanyi nasyid so sweet ..
alaaaa tomey nyer.......
atty - nasib gak start lambat, kalau tak haru
diana-k - mcm maknyer kan(prasan ler tu)
i know how ur felt..rasa bangga yg tk dpat nk diucapkan dgn kata2..
the best moment ever kan..i tgk konsert anak i kt tadika pun menangis..hihihi..drama queen sungguh
*lama tk jenguk sini..
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